Learn Advanced Java

This course is designed to provide a deep dive into advanced Java programming concepts and techniques.

Building upon the foundations of core Java, students will explore more complex language features, design patterns, and enterprise-level application development.


Advanced Java Programming Course Syllabus

Course Description

This course is designed to provide a deep dive into advanced Java programming concepts and techniques. Building upon the foundations of core Java, students will explore more complex language features, design patterns, and enterprise-level application development.

Course Objectives

By the end of this course, students will be able to:

  1. Understand and utilize Java 8+ language features (lambda expressions, streams, etc.)
  2. Implement various design patterns in Java (creational, structural, and behavioral)
  3. Work with concurrency and multithreading in Java
  4. Apply Java I/O, NIO, and networking APIs
  5. Develop a basic understanding of Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE)
  6. Utilize Java’s reflective capabilities and annotation processing
  7. Explore Java testing frameworks and practices
  8. Understand Java performance optimization and profiling

Course Outline

Week 1: Java 8+ Language Features

  • Lambda expressions and functional interfaces
  • Method references
  • Stream API and common stream operations
  • Date and Time API

Week 2: Design Patterns in Java

  • Creational patterns (Singleton, Factory, Builder)
  • Structural patterns (Adapter, Decorator, Proxy)
  • Behavioral patterns (Observer, Strategy, Command)
  • Applying design patterns in Java programs

Week 3: Concurrency and Multithreading

  • Thread creation and lifecycle management
  • Synchronization and thread safety
  • Concurrent collections and thread-safe data structures
  • Executors, Futures, and Completable Futures

Week 4: Java I/O and NIO

  • Byte streams and character streams
  • File I/O and working with paths
  • NIO.2 and its enhancements (async I/O, etc.)
  • Networking with Java Sockets and URL handling

Week 5: Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE)

  • Introduction to Java EE and its core components
  • Servlets and web application development
  • Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) and dependency injection
  • Java Persistence API (JPA) and database integration

Week 6: Reflection and Annotation Processing

  • Java Reflection API and its applications
  • Custom annotation creation and processing
  • Generating code at compile-time with annotation processors

Week 7: Testing and Profiling

  • JUnit and unit testing best practices
  • Mocking and test-driven development
  • Performance optimization and profiling tools
  • Monitoring and troubleshooting Java applications

Week 8: Final Project

  • Students will work on a comprehensive project that integrates the advanced Java concepts learned throughout the course


  • Weekly coding assignments (30%)
  • Midterm project (20%)
  • Final project (40%)
  • Class participation and presentations (10%)

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